My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The True Death: A Michele Shepard Story (The True Death Series Book 1)
RK Gleason
Ok, so here's my story - my BFF is an author. She comes to the Pittsburgh area for signings and I go as her PA. When we go to signings, I look through the authors and stalk them on Amazon to see what they write. I stumbled upon RK Gleason, looked at his reviews (cause that's how I roll) and saw all 5 and 4 stars. I'm thinking, "Ok, I can give this guy a try" - #oneclick the sample. I read it and was hooked, no pun intended.
The sample of this story was outstanding. I got to the end and thought "ok, I get to see him tomorrow, I can either download the book to my Kindle, or wait until I see him and get a signed book". I waited, met the author, told him the above story, had my photo op and went on my merry way, signed book and Polaroid photo in hand. :)
This story is quite fascinating. It's graphic, descriptive, reader grabbing prose, draws you into the world of Purgatory. An amazing place after death. You have 2 rules to follow and only 2 rules. You never die (unless you break rule 1 or 2), you can be hurt, but you recover, you can drink, smoke and otherwise be a glutton and never feel the effects. Following the 2 main characters, Horace and Michele, on their mission to save newcomers from breaking the rules, the reader is snared by the adventure, mystery and ultimate plot in Purgatory.
RK Gleason spins a tale so elaborate, the reader cannot help but get lost in this book. The characters are hilarious, snarky, personable and crafty. The story captures you and guides you through a world that comes to life as you read. Maybe not for the faint of heart, because of the detail Mr. Gleason provides in some areas of the book. Still an absolutely incredible read, that I will definitely put on my read again shelf!
I can officially say, I will be one clicking the entire series and look forward to more by this author.
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